Adoption and Child Custody Thank You

A Big Thank You!                                                                               

Boy with puppyAs stated earlier, I am so excited about being a part of an online journey providing resources in the area of adoption and various child custody matters.  I admire so many of you whom I may have worked with in the past.  I hope this post finds you all doing well.  If you are new to this site, I hope I can help you and your family in any way possible.   

I realize the subject of Adoption and child custody spurs many thoughts and different feelings.    I have had the pleasure of serving so many families who have adopted for various different reasons.   As a professional social worker, I have been excited about serving all of my families through the years.  It has been exciting to see so many different families adopt or obtain guardianship based on so many different beliefs and convictions. 

I truly believe all of my former clients will continue to provide incredible amazing homes for children.  Some of these clients were religious and some were not.  Some felt a calling and some just wanted a family.  Some were infertile and some just wanted more children.  In so many, many ways, it never mattered.  It never mattered to the child being loved and molded into these homes.  It never mattered to the parents who selflessly devoted their time and energy into these loved ones.   

I once worked with a family who told me they wanted to provide a “soft place to fall” for the children they adopt.  I was baffled and amazed by this concept.  I further realized this might be one of the best adoption related quotes I had ever heard.  The phrase ties subjects such as love and logic parenting and general attachment and bonding all in one.  These children will continue to fall down at times.  You need to let them.  You also need to love them and be there for them when they do.  You need to provide that “soft place to fall.”  That is adoption-child custody parenting.  That is simply parenting.  That is love. 

I must end this by stating I am a Christian.  This is the ultimate fuel behind what I do.  There is no greater love than the adoption God showed his people by adopting us as his sons and daughters (Ephesians Chapter 1).  I do not know of a more biblical concept than the constant love and devotion parents show through the highs and lows of this type of parenting.  

I also do what I do because I am an adoptive parent.  I get it.  “I have been in your shoes.”  You all motivate me to do what I do every day.  And to that, I say thank you!  I look forward to many years of serving my clients by providing various services.  Don’t worry.  Most of my posts will not be this “sappy.”  Most will simply be informative to what you all do on a daily basis.  I hope to provide just a glimpse of help as you all provide so much to the children we all serve! 

Like alsocialwork on facebook and check out the website.  Let me know if I can ever help.  If you have ever worked with me, you know I am simply a phone call away. 

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